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Did you know,

that according to this study,

72% of all startup founders

claim that their ventures have taken a toll on their mental health?​


and that on average,

Around 37% suffer from moments of anxiety & 36% from burnout?

A woman giving a presentation in front of an audience

Photo © Isabella Jöch

Yet in the end,
we all need the same,
simple things

So what do we provide?

While we try to offer you all of the resources listed above,

we aim to also provide you with knowledge & skills.


So you can remain successful long term 

– eventually without our help.


And by “you” we do not just mean your organisations,

but also you personally: as humans.






– seminars

They consist of 4 pillars, which you find below.

The topics we tackle are listed here.

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theoretical input.

We use concepts and theories based on studies and science, to help improve your working environment in a way that is appropriate for you.




Self- experience/


– Are integrated as part of the seminars, so you are able to already practice how to implement methods from step 1 & 2 into your work-life. 


Insights from organizations.

We invite Start- and Scale-ups, representatives from corporates and individuals (both self-employed and not )

to tell us about their experiences and learnings –So you can learn from them before implementing change yourself.




The Networkings, for which we always reserve a lot of time,

enable you to create and enhance your professional as well as personal networks

– Thereby supporting you in reaching goals in both fields of life.


join us

We would be more than happy to welcome you at one of our next Seminars.

Let's Talk.

Photos © Isabella Jöch

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